Here we are in the middle of July and we are all enjoying a wonderful start to the summer. If you were among the thousands who moved at the end of June/beginning of July, you are now probably just starting to make a small dent in all the boxes that came with you. At the same time, you're keeping your family busy and happy.
Moving can be a huge upheaval to a family. You are in new surroundings and trying to adapt to new social activities. Everyone always says, 'moving wasn't so bad'. Or a Realtor will tell you, 'let me make that move less stressful'. There is no way that anyone can make a move less stressful. Studies have shown that moving follows mourning and job loss in the order of stress levels. HHMMM!!!! This may make you reconsider to just stay where you are!!! Don't let it. If you're ready, you're ready and know that when you are in your new home, there is a light at the end of the tunnel that will make all of this forgotten until the next time. Does it get easier with every move? I don't think so. You are just more organized with each and every move and are more prepared with the glitches that pop up!
I remember moving my daughter the first time into her first home!!! Talk about stress!!! She really didn't think that there would be so much to do. Once she was in, and unpacked, we left her to her own devices. The second time was much easier.
There are a few ways to make moving a little easier on everyone. First, you must adapt to your new neighbourhood. If your realtor knew that neighbourhood, he/she would have already been able to provide you with information about where to shop, fun activities for the family, festival programs, sports and cultural facilities, and the list goes on. If not, then there is the Internet.
Once you have a few minutes, perhaps in the evening while the weather is warm and the days are longer, visit a commercial core somewhere. These areas abound with local neighbours and visitors sitting and enjoying cafes and restaurants and chatting with each other. What a great way to make friends!!! In Mississauga, take a look at Streetsville and Port Credit.
If you have children and were lucky enough to purchase a home with a pool, maybe have a pot luck housewarming party. What a great way for you and for your children to feel more at ease in their new surroundings and I'm sure your neighbours will appreciate this type of kindness. If not a pot luck, then supply cold beverages and snacks yourself. It doesn't have to be costly.
Start getting ready for the fall. Find out from your new neighbours the activities that are provided by the neighbourhood and sit and chat with your kids about what they would be interested in joining. Take your kids for a walk to the school that they will be attending so that they learn the route and comfortable with it. Also, by connecting with your neighbours, your kids will soon find friends with whom they will be walking to school.
As you can tell, when you move into a new neighbourhood, it is a good idea to stick around. Get your kids playing out at the front of the home so that your new neighbours can see you and feel comfortable in meeting your family. When I first moved into the Sheridan Homelands neighbourhood, one of my neighbours came over and said, 'if your kids don't play out front, no one will know that they are here'. We were fortunate to get a home with a pool and that's where we would spend our days. But, we did make time to play basketball, ride our bikes, roller blade, etc. out front.
If you have any questions about Lorne Park, Sheridan Homelands, Sherwood Forrest, Port Credit, Streetsville, Churchill Meadows -- in other words south Mississauga...I am around to answer any questions you may have. Feel free to call me directly at 416 427 1875. If you're thinking of selling at this time or are looking to purchase in these lovely neighbourhoods, give me a call.
Now, go out and enjoy.
Betty Bartusevicius, Sales Representative
Re/Max Realty Specialists Inc., Brokerage
OFFICE: 905 828 3434
DIRECT: 416 427 1875
EMAIL: betty@bettybart.com
WEB SITE: www.bettybart.com
not intended to solicit buyers or sellers under brokerage contract