The greatest news was that my son got married. There was so much to prepare and this young couple took it upon themselves to do most of the work. I thank them for that. It sure was a lesson to them on what goes into the preparations. Of course, my husband and I were there to help in all aspects but only when asked. It went off without a hitch! Or at least, nothing anyone noticed. Beautiful ceremony, beautiful couple. Now, they have started their new adventure together. There are so many great things for them to experience. Love them both and wishing them a lifetime of happiness.

thinks it is. We had been in that home for almost 30 years. All our memories were there and boxes and boxes of 'stuff' that we were hanging on to for our kids. We started one room at a time and donated/sold/threw out what we couldn't sell and donate. The house got emptier by the week and when we finally found our future home we were able to start to bring what we were going to keep to the new place. Yes, we found a place to live before the old house closed.

It didn't take long, but hubby is now adapted to this lifestyle. We both have said: "We should have done this a few years ago". I have many clients, and friends, that I can now explain to them how easy this life can be. Enjoy your life. Once the kids have left, it is time for us to think a little bit of ourselves.
This past winter as I drove around and watched older homeowners trying to shovel their driveways, I often wonder why they don't think about moving. Yes, I still get out and help a few in my travels. Also, having gone through this process, I can truly appreciate the anxiety many of you feel. Let me help you alleviate some of the worry. It's the best experience that I can offer to Buyers and Sellers.
Here I am in my home office (yes, my condo has an office space for me) and look out the window as I write this. I can't believe it will be a year in another month that I sold the house. And in April it will be a year that we are in our new home.
There were a few very sad moments in my life, but everyone has those and I coped with them. This is a happy blog. No one can take the memories of 2017 away from me. Life goes on!
Until next time!
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